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Best of 2018: Our Top 3 Most Viewed Blog Posts

The waning days of December are a great time to look back at the previous 12 months and take stock of what truly resonated with our readers. So what were the most popular posts of the year? The ones people connected with the most? Here are the 3 most popular blog posts of the year.

  1.   How much does it cost to rent a retail space?

Here’s a smart guide on leasing retail space for your business that you need to know to ensure you choose the best location and dealt with a reasonable price and lease terms you can get. You likely won’t get everything you want, but you can certainly get everything you need.

  1.   What Makes The Tampa Bay Area Such A Millennial Magnet?

This article will help you understand why there is an influx of millennial population in the Tampa Bay Area. Few reasons are they were attracted to the business climate, lifestyle and ability to balance lifestyle with their careers.

  1.   Extra Gadgets That Are Essentials For Busy Professionals

We have rounded up some of the tools that could give extra help for busy professionals just like you. These will allow you for better performance throughout the year where you can turbocharge productivity, streamline workflow, and provide a little bit of fun to refuel your ambitions.

That’s it, that’s our three most viewed blog posts of 2018.

What will 2019 bring? Only time will tell. In the meantime, I would like to thank you for reading, sharing and subscribing. I am looking forward to more great conversations in 2019!

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